Formerly known as the ‘Sites Project’ these are the projects undertaken for public benefit and usage. The Trust enhances many architectural artefacts, sites and dormant areas and presents them to visitor and citizen alike in an attractive, functional and user friendly state.
The Kings Island Bank Walk
A new project for 2011, The LCT has committed to maintaining the entire walk way of the bank going forward. This will include litter removal, landscaping, this also might be a possible site on creating a wild flower walk along the bank, similar to the idea in the Paupers graveyard.
St. Patrick’s Cemetery
The clearing of pathways, general overgrowth and a quantity of litter in St. Patrick’s began in February of this year. This large burial ground was in a major state of neglect and continues to demand extensive labour in maintenance. Further environmental works are still to be addressed here.
Maintaining ancient burial sites
St. Johns (C of I), John’s Square, St. Michaels, the Jewish burial ground, St. Michaels, St. Munchin’s (C of I), the Quaker Burial ground.
Community Garden
After an approach by Church Street residents to turn a piece of waste ground into a community garden, the LCT approached LCC to get a lease on the land. If agreed, the LCT will build a community garden for the residents. All produce produced will be given to community groups who cook for the elderly and poor of the area. If successful, we would like to roll out a series of these projects across the city.
The Hunt Museum
After a trial period of seconding a C.E. worker to the museum which worked well, the Trust placed two workers there this year doing landscaping and maintenance work and other improvements at the front and rear of the building.
Floral Display in Church St.
Window boxes and hanging baskets are filled to decorate all the houses in Church St., The Bishops’ Palace and its nearest neighbours form the backdrop to a flamboyant and dramatic floral display during the Summer months each year.